The idea behind this article, therefore, is to throw light on masturbation which, by the way, is a behavioral attitude that occurs without warning, and which, in spite of the experience of adults in the same issue, is always treated with righteous anger in most societies.
However, sexual gratification is a self-indulgent need so private that decision to satisfy it is usually personal. Even children fondle their genitals without the informed intention of achieving orgasm, yet, the awareness that the action is pleasurable is, without doubt, fuelled by sexual urge.
Although a school of thought believes that if a child suddenly finds out the sexual uses for which it can put its genitals, it should not be seen as an abnormality but just as a mere curiosity on the part of the child, and that only a subtle effort should be made to distract the child away from such a behavior.
But another school of thought is of the opinion that masturbation is a natural aspect of growing up, which if scuttled by family interference will manifest in some peculiar or negative sexual behavior in the future. This school of thought advices that should a child ask questions as to the rightness or otherwise of masturbation, answers should be given in such a way that the child is left to decide whether to masturbate or not. This scenario is not common since most children while masturbating in utmost secrecy, will dare not bring up the issue with their parents or guardians.
Societal Differences:
Do you know that psychologists have since documented evidences to the effect that children whose childhood sexual experiences were denied or hampered usually grow up to suffer what is called Frustrated sexual exuberance. Could this be the reason why some old adults can be seen chasing girls young enough to be their grandchildren for sex? Or is it to counter this behaviour that some societies in Asia and Oceania, according to anthropologists, see it as culturally right for grownups and even mothers to fondle the genitals of their own children and those of minor relatives without anyone raising an eyebrow?
Consider, therefore other societies where making a child aware of their genitals would surely turn out to be a problem, because even the mention of genitals are frowned at, and any noticeable sexual urges in children is viewed grossly.
All said, if you catch your child masturbating, it is better not to make it look gross, rather gently tell it not to make masturbation a habit. Nonetheless, in 90% of cases you won't catch your child doing masturbation, although it most likely does.
By Charles Neshah
Neshah writes for your pleasure. He recommends Sexual Mastery, Erotic Tips, Approach And Win Women for true sexual guide to sexual bliss.
Blog Commentary - Autofellatio in the form of self suck or solo suck is something most male children try but also dream about.
Blog Commentary - Autofellatio in the form of self suck or solo suck is something most male children try but also dream about.
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